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Admission - Pro Hac Vice

After satisfying the provisions of Local Rule 2090-1(e)(2), the attorney admitted pro hac vice must follow the procedures below to file and receive notices electronically.  

1.    Once an order is entered approving admission pro hac, attorney to complete a Pro Hac Vice Registration Form located at the ECF/Training tab under the ECF Registration Forms link.
2.    Attorney to Email the completed form in Adobe PDF format to Be sure to include the case number(s) in which the attorney was admitted pro hac vice..

3.     The attorney must submit an e-file request through PACER as a pro hac vice attorney. Once approved, the pro hac vice attorney will log into PACER using PACER credentials to access the CMECF filing system.

4.      During the filing process, the pro hac vice attorney will be added as a party to the case and will receive electronic notice.