Marleca Adams (L) | 434-209-6313 |
Jackie Hensley (H) | 540-282-6248 |
Catherine James (R) | 540-795-6318 |
Janet Jenkins (R) | 540-795-6322 |
Lisa Maddox (L) | 434-209-6314 |
Julie Martin (R) | 540-795-6324 |
Leisa Matherly (R) | 540-795-6319 |
Laurrie Morris (H) | 540-282-6247 |
Elizabeth Nichols (R) | 540-795-6315 |
Vacant (R) | 540-795-6320 |
Chase Ross (R) | 540-795-6316 |
Angelique Spitzer (H) | 540-282-6249 |
Kristen White (L) | 434-209-6310 |
(R) - Roanoke Office
(L) - Lynchburg Office
(H) - Harrisonburg Office
Judge Connelly Cases:
Harrisonburg, Charlottesville and Lynchburg, all conference calls: Jackie Hensley 540-282-6248 (backup: Laurrie Morris 540-282-6247)
Judge Black Cases:
Roanoke, Abingdon, Big Stone Gap, Danville: Catherine James 540-795-6318
Judge Connelly Hearings:
Unless the notice of hearing or an order scheduling hearing provides otherwise, all of Judge Connelly’s initial hearings and nonevidentiary hearings will be held by video conference. Unless ordered otherwise, all evidentiary hearings will be conducted in person. To obtain an in-person hearing date, contact
Access Instructions for Judge Connelly Video Conference Hearings:
Parties to a matter set for video hearing must contact to obtain the Zoom Meeting ID number. Members of the press and the general public who wish to observe the hearing must contact and identify the date of the hearing, name of the case(s), and the request to observe. Upon receiving such request, the Court will provide the location of the courtroom where Judge Connelly will preside for the remote hearing or will provide instructions for audio access to the hearing.
Judge Connelly presides in the following locations for both in person hearings and video hearings: (i) Harrisonburg (116 N. Main St., Harrisonburg, VA 22802); (ii) Charlottesville (255 W. Main Street, Charlottesville, VA 22902); and (iii) Lynchburg (1101 Court St., Lynchburg, VA 24504).