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In re Slater (Case No. 10-62521) 09/06/2011

            The debtors’ counsel received $2,500 from the debtors prepetition which was allowed by the Court as the standard “no-look” fee.  The debtors’ counsel subsequently sought an additional $3,950.30 on the basis of the lodestar method.  The Court found that the no-look fee was appropriate given that this was not a case which required significantly more than the average range of legal services.  The Court also determined that even under the lodestar method that the no-look fee was appropriate in this case.  The Court did allow reimbursement of expenses for the filing fee, a title abstract fee, an appraisal fee, the pre-petition credit counseling, a credit report fee, and post-petition credit education.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Attorneys Fees
Chapter 13 Issues