Parties not represented by an attorney may email filings to the Court's helpdesk at The Clerk's Office will then file the filings in the appropriate case. Parties should sign the filings that are emailed to the Court and include the case number on the filings.
D. Order Regarding Temporary Closure of Clerk's Office Public Counters
Drop-boxes are provided at each of the Clerk's Offices locations (Harrisonburg, Lynchburg, and Roanoke), so parties may date stamp their filings and securely submit them without entering the Clerk's Office. Additionally, parties not represented by an attorney may email filings to the Court's helpdesk at The Clerk's Office will then file the filings in the appropriate case. Parties should sign the filings and include the case number on the filings.
E. Updated U.S. Trustee Procedures for Telephonic Meetings of Creditors / Call-in Phone Numbers
Until further notice all section 341 meetings (Meetings of Creditors) will be conducted remotely by telephonic means. The updated procedure for the telephonic meetings of creditors can be found here. (Remote 341 Instructions Revised). The Attorney Declaration Regarding Confirmation of Debtor Identity and Social Security Number, which is referenced in the updated instructions, can be found here. (Attorney Declaration). A list of the call-in phone numbers for each trustee with the corresponding access codes can be found here. (Phone Numbers).
F. Preparing to Participate in a ZOOM Video conference (ZOOM Instructions)
G. Order Reopening Clerk's Office Public Counters
H. Courtroom Reopening Procedures for Judge Black (Roanoke Location Only)
I. Policy on Mask Wearing and Courthouse Entry Due to COVID-19